You must appear in person to become a member.
There are no online applications.
Come to the Liederkranz at 1212 Silver Lane and fill out an application. Every membership application must be signed by two “A” members. You must read the “House Rules” printed on the back of the application and Sign to signify your agreement to follow those rules.
No member applications can leave the premises.
After you submit your application you will be required to appear at the monthly membership meeting, held on the third Thursday of each month. Upon approval, by the “A” members present, you can pay your annual dues of $35.00 and become a “B” member.
After 3 consecutive years of being a “B” member in good standing, you may request to become an “A” member. We are also requesting that the “B” members volunteer before they can become an "A" member.
“A” members are permitted to vote in the annual election of officers, serve as an officer, vote in the monthly meetings, and sign applications for new members.